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Federal Advocacy Opportunities for Local Government Leaders and Advocates

It isn’t always common for there to be a clean line of connection between federal policy and local policy, or federal level advocacy efforts and local level advocacy efforts; however, when it comes to the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act 2023 (AHCIA), the line of connection is quite clear. 

Supporting policy that boosts our affordable housing supply
The largest producer of affordable housing in our nation is the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), and for several years now, advocates have been trying to pass what would be a historic piece of legislation that would not only strengthen this tool, but bring palpable change to our communities right here in North Carolina. 

A July 2023 analysis from the Urban Institute  found that from 2000-2019 the Housing Credit has helped finance about a quarter of all new apartments built across the country… in some mostly rural states, the Housing Credit helped finance almost half of all new apartments.

Advocacy Opportunity
The ACTION Campaign is partnering with the National League of Cities, the National Association of Counties, and Mayors and CEOs for U.S. Housing Investment on a letter from Local Government Leaders to Congress. Signatures for the letter are due on September 7, 2023.

How do I participate?
If you are a local government leader in North Carolina reading this, and you believe in the importance of strengthening one of our biggest tools for producing and preserving affordable housing in the country (and state), sign on to the letter by clicking here. Read the full letter by clicking here.

If you work in local government and are interested in bringing this advocacy to your elected officials and government leaders, share the following resources with them: 

North Carolina Housing Credit State Fact Sheet & District Factsheets
One page summary about the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act 2023
Detailed Bill Summary about the The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act 2023
Link the Senate version of the bill – S.1557
Link to the House version of the bill – H.R. 3238

If your organization uses social media, feel free to use the following templates to spread the word to other local government leaders and organizations about signing onto the letter: 

X (Twitter)
Calling all #mayors, #countyexecutives, and #countyboardchairs: Join the @HousingACTION, @mayorsandceos, @leagueofcities and @NACoTweets in signing this letter to Congress on the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit #affordablehousing

The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA) of 2023, S. 1557 and H.R. 3238, was introduced on May 11. The ACTION Campaign is asking mayors, county executives, and county board chairs from around the country to sign on to a letter to Congress calling for the expansion and strengthening of the #HousingCredit. ACTION is being joined by partners at the National League of Cities, the National Association of Counties, and Mayors & CEOs for U.S. Housing Investment. Read more about the letter and how local government leaders can sign onto the letter on the ACTION blog. #AffordableHousing #LIHTC

It’s clear by its overwhelming and record-breaking bipartisan support that this legislation is supported all across the country, and the impact of LIHTC is known. Join communities across the nation in urging Congress to pass this legislation and emphasize the importance of strengthening this core affordable housing tool.

Check out our Housing Call on June 13, 2023 where we highlighted the AHCIA 2023.
Check out our Action Alert summarizing key components of the AHCIA 2023.

Recommended read

Policy Brief: Dedicated Revenue Sources for the NC Housing Trust Fund

Many thanks to our sponsors