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LEGISLATIVE ALERT: Housing Bills Filed

A flurry of bills were filed this afternoon as the General Assembly’s filing deadline arrived. For affordable housing stakeholders, two House bills were filed providing resources to keep people stably housed and to bolster the continued development of affordable housing. Here is some brief information on both bills. We will have more details and next steps in tomorrow’s Housing Matters Newsletter.

House Bill 1200: Foreclosure Prevention Grants/Rental & Utility Assistance (Szoka)
Rep. John Szoka filed a bill to provide $200 million towards assistance for both homeowners and renters. Funds will be split evenly with $100 million for foreclosure prevention and $100 million for rental and utility payment assistance. The foreclosure funds include up to six months of mortgage payments on behalf of homeowners and $10 million for housing counselors and legal services. The rental/utility assistance will provide up to six months of rental or utility payments. 

House Bill 1208: Funding for Workforce Housing Loan Program (Lambeth)
Rep. Donny Lambeth filed a bill to provide $20 million in non-recurring funds to the Workforce Housing Loan Program (WHLP) for the 2020 housing credit funding cycle. As a non-recurring budget item and because North Carolina does not have an enacted budget, WHLP currently does not have funding for the 2020 cycle. 

We will have more details and next steps in tomorrow’s Housing Matters Newsletter.

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Housing Call: May 26, 2020

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