Federal Update
DOJ Rescinds Racial Discrimination Direction
The US Department of Justice has announced that it will repeal 24 guidance documents on a wide range of issues that includes housing discrimination. These documents highlighted the legal consequences of discrimination and encouraged reporting of violations. Laws preventing ethnic or cultural backgrounds deterring opportunity and federal protections based on nation of origin are among the information that is scheduled to be rescinded. For more information, click here.
NCHC signs letter in support of CFPB Financial Education
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has requested public comment on its financial education programs. The North Carolina Housing Coalition has joined the National Housing Resource Center in support of financial education as crucial to the mission of the CFPB. You can read the comments here.
HUD Intermediary Grant
HUD published the FY 18 Comprehensive Housing Counseling Grant Program NOFA on July 3, 2018. NCHC has reached out to housing counseling agencies that have shown interest in becoming a part of our HUD intermediary network. If your agency is a HUD approved housing counseling agency and would like to submit an application for inclusion in NCHC’s network please contact Stacie Darden, Housing Programs Manager at 919-881-0707.
State Update
Blue Cross NC to invest $2 million in North Carolina
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is investing $2 million dollars in the North Carolina Community Action Association (NCCAA), a statewide organization serving disadvantaged communities in our state. This partnership will help nearly 700 households make vital home repairs—improving the health of these families and in turn, our entire state. Blue Cross NC’s support of NCCAA, and their mission to provide safer housing for low-income families in North Carolina, is part of the company’s $50 million investment in Community Health initiatives across the state.

Local Update
Buncombe County Increases Affordable Housing Funding
After a strong push from a group of local advocates, Buncombe County commissioners voted to increase their Housing Trust Fund allocation by $151,795 through a transfer from their Strategic Partnership Grants. The additional funds bring the County’s Housing Trust to $451,045. While the allocation is less than the $800,000 requested, this increase shows that local elected officials are committed to addressing the affordable housing needs of their communities.
Affordable Housing Increases in Greensboro
Trinity Consulting and Development, LLC has purchased 3.5 acres of land on Ball Street to create an affordable housing community. The development will include 50 rental units and a few for sale single family homes. The group has been providing financial literacy workshops to help people prepare for homeownership. The development will be built in phases to accurately assess the demand of unit sizes.