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Housing Call Notes 12-17-19

Thank you for joining us for this week’s Housing Call. Our next Housing Call will be on Tuesday, January 14 at 9:30am. See below for this week’s call notes and let us know if you have a community update you’d like us to share on the next call.

NC News

DHIC & Presbyterian Homes Milner Development

Source of Income Protections Proposed in Charlotte 

NC News Collaborative – Special Report: NC Cities Prosper While Rural Counties Wither

The New York Times – Many Renters Who Face Eviction Owe Less Than $600

CDBG-MIT draft action plan / Public comments due Monday 12/23 @ 5pm
Email comments to:

National News

Federal Appropriations Deal FY 2020 

Tax Extenders Package

Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) & Sen. Rob (R-OH) Portman – Eviction Crisis Act of 2019 

Proposed CRA Rule Changes from the OCC & FDIC

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Housing Plan 

Next Democratic Candidates Debate: Thursday 12/19 @ 7p
NLIHC “Our Homes, Our Votes 2020” Tweetstorm: Tuesday 12/17 @ 2-3pm
Links to graphics & text 

LeBron James Family Foundation Opening Transitional Housing in Ohio


City of Greensboro – “Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing 2019

Center for Budget & Policy Priorities – “Research Shows Rental Assistance Reduces Hardship and Provides Platform to Expand Opportunity for Low-Income Families”

National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty – “Housing Not Handcuffs 2019”

Recommended read

The Coalition’s Habitat Volunteer Day

Many thanks to our sponsors