With the coronavirus (COVID-19) rapidly altering the everyday world we live in, the Coalition is keeping track of responses and resources affecting the housing stability of North Carolinians in the near and long-term, especially for low resource communities and people experiencing homelessness who remain the most vulnerable to the health and economic impacts. The Coalition will be maintaining an on-going list of resources relating to housing on our website. If you are aware of any information that we have missed or have news you would like to share, please let us know.
Local governments and public agencies are all in the midst of assessing needs and impacts. Of note, on Friday and over the weekend, the NC Administrative Office of the Courts issued a directive for courts across NC to halt most legal proceedings for 30 days. This includes eviction and foreclosure related proceedings. This step will help ensure that people are not put out of their homes during this public health emergency. You can listen to the recording of this week’s Housing Call, which includes a discussion with a representative from NC Courts for more information and resources. This week’s Policy Update contains more detailed news on the policy responses at differing levels of government.
As a reminder, the Coalition’s upcoming events for the next two months have been postponed or cancelled. See our coronavirus-related event updates here. We are in the process of developing virtual alternatives to our Listening Sessions and will share details as soon as possible.
Both the federal and state government are in the midst of crafting resources and solutions to address COVID-19 impacts. Ensuring housing stability and financial security throughout the country for families most impacted by the unfolding economic crisis will be critical, Take a moment today to call North Carolina’s senators and your representative to:
- Inform them about the impacts you are already seeing in your community; and
- Ask them to ensure that housing, especially the housing stability of those impacted by lost jobs and diminished wages, is addressed in any response from the federal government.