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The Tax Policy Superbowl: Call to Action for Strengthening the Housing Credit

Earlier this year, the leadership of the House Ways and Means Committee created Republican “tax teams” to craft policy proposals for major tax action in advance of the expiration of temporary tax provisions that were enacted in 2017 and will expire in 2025. One of the teams, the Community Development Tax Team, is considering tax policy related to affordable housing, including the housing credit and tax-exempt qualified private activity bonds such as Housing bonds. Members of the Community Development Tax Team include: 

The tax teams are soliciting recommendations from the general public on what they should prioritize in their recommendations for the Republican tax platform. They are accepting comments and letters until October 15, 2024.

CALL TO ACTION: Strengthen the Housing Credit!

We encourage you to write a letter describing the importance of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) to your work and your community, supporting the various provisions of the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA H.R.3238), and highlighting how strengthening the Housing Credit would help those you serve. 

Ways to Submit your Letter

You can submit your letter through this form, and the team at NCHC will submit it for you. 

  • No changes will be made, the committee will still see the letter as coming from you and/or your organization.
  • Please make sure to place your letter on your company letterhead.
  • Make sure to enter your contact information correctly.

If you would prefer to email your letter directly, you may email Make sure to click here for instructions on how to structure your email to ensure that your comments are selected. Letters with incomplete information will not be accepted.

Resources & Talking Points for Letters to Community Development Tax Team

The committee would like there to be as many original letters as possible from organizations, so there are no templates provided. However, please feel free to not only use your own personal and professional experience, but the advocacy resources and talking points below from the ACTION campaign and other national partners:

District Factsheets for North Carolina:

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