Partner Profiles are our way of highlighting organizations that we work with both in general and on specific campaigns. The North Carolina Housing Coalition values partnership–we would not be a true coalition without the numerous individuals, community groups, and organizations that contribute to our housing movement and ecosystem, and more importantly strive to make North Carolina a better place to live and thrive with dignity and opportunity in a number of different ways.
The Greensboro Housing Coalition (GHC) is located in Guilford County and has served the city of Greensboro and surrounding communities for over 30 years. Their mission is to advocate for and provide resources to people with low to moderate incomes and those with special needs to secure or retain fair, safe, healthy and affordable housing.
GHC is a HUD-certified counseling agency that works with individuals and families at any stage, from homelessness to homeownership. As a housing counseling agency, their free services provide:
- Assistance in locating affordable rental housing or housing with supportive services
- Budgeting and financial literacy support to promote stability and empowerment, especially for families and individuals in crisis and those experiencing chronic homelessness
- Foreclosure prevention assistance that helps work to determine needs and potential resources to prevent foreclosure for homeowners at risk of losing their home
In addition to its critical housing counseling work, GHC works to educate the public on affordable housing, share tools and information for local advocacy efforts, and equip communities members and local partners. One such example of this is GHC’s Healthy Homes, which provides assistance to residents who live in homes with health and safety hazards through education, referrals, and landlord-tenant advocacy.
Another example can be seen through their active community engagement efforts as the lead agency for the Collaborative Cottage Grove initiative. This initiative is made up of multi-sector nonprofits, healthcare systems, and other community-based groups that meet the needs of the community for food, hygiene essentials, community programs, healthcare, transportation, and more. These efforts will ultimately create a positive and measurable impact on health disparities that affect our most vulnerable and marginalized individuals in Cottage Grove and surrounding communities in East Greensboro.
We at NCHC are proud to partner with GHC. Our relationship allows us to provide state policy education and updates, make resources available, collaborate on advocacy opportunities, and learn from one another. For the past two years, we have supported GHC’s annual Housing Summit, an opportunity for state and local advocates and stakeholders to connect and discuss the state of housing in Guilford County with the overall goal of bringing policy-makers, service providers, and community partners together to build relationships across the local housing spectrum and foster innovative housing solutions.
This year’s summit, entitled Guilford Housing Connections, focuses on opportunities to build a more robust and ongoing communication network for housing professionals across Guilford County. Presentations will highlight ongoing and emerging initiatives focused on Community-Based Housing Developments, Preserving Diverse Affordable Housing, Expanding Housing Options.
The Summit will take place on Thursday, October 26th, from 8:00am-2:00pm as an in-person event. Several local organizations will also be tabling, providing information for attendees about existing programs, studies, resources, services, and opportunities for participation. Register here. If you are interested in learning more about ways to participate in the Summit or engage with the Greensboro Housing Coalition email: info@gsohc.org.