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Housing Matters: North Carolina Budget Impact

Samuel Gunter, Executive Director

NC Budget Impasse 

The back and forth between the Governor’s office and the General Assembly over Medicaid expansion and the budget has not yet yielded a compromise. This morning, upon realizing that Republican leadership did not have the votes to override the Governor’s veto, the Appropriations committee approved a stop-gap spending bill, H.111, that funds a few non-recurring items necessary to draw down federal funds. Not included in the bill was the Workforce Housing Loan Program. The bill is expected to pass out of the House this afternoon and then go to the Senate.

As a reminder, in North Carolina, we do not need to pass continuing resolutions because in the absence of a budget the state automatically reverts to the recurring expenses of the previous biennium’s budget. For housing advocates, this means that the Housing Trust Fund and HOME matching funds will remain level, but the Workforce Housing Loan Program will go to $0. This would be a disaster for affordable housing production in the state should no compromise be reached.

What happens now? We’re not sure. It looks as though the General Assembly is going to pass the supplemental bill expecting the Governor to sign, and then each side will attempt to win over public opinion to force the other to the negotiating table. There is a possibility that this is just a precaution and the House may get the needed votes to overturn the veto. We will know more as the week progresses. In the meantime, we wait.

Housing Works Registration Open

We are excited to announce that registration opened yesterday for the Housing Works conference in October. Early bird registration runs through September 9. A reminder that members receive a discount to their registration. If you are not sure if your membership is current, please reach out to Haley Solomon at

2019 Housing Award Nominations

Each year at the NC Affordable Housing Conference breakfast, we recognize individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to advocate for affordable housing. If you know someone who stands out in one of the following areas, please nominate them for an award by filling out this form. The deadline for nominations is August 16.

  • Sister Barbara Sullivan Award (Volunteer of the Year): This award is given for devotion and commitment to finding viable solutions and improving housing conditions for low-income families through personal commitment and sacrifice as a volunteer.

  • A. Robert Kucab Award (Professional of the Year): This award is given for making a significant impact on affordable housing through professional involvement by demonstrating efforts above and beyond normal role or duties as a housing professional.

  • Bill Rowe Service to Affordable Housing Award: This award recognizes a significant commitment and impact on affordable housing over the course of a career.

  • Public Official of the Year Award: This award recognizes a public official who places priority on improving housing conditions and fights for the additional resources and legislation needed to make this happen

  • Louise Mack Award (Housing Counselor of the Year): This award is given to a housing counselor for their leadership in the field of housing counseling and their dedication to financial security for all North Carolinians.

Disaster Recovery Training

Finally, The NC Housing Coalition’s Association of Housing Counselors (TAHC) has partnered with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) for a week of disaster recovery training designed specifically for housing counselors. Over the course of five days, attendees will learn about the types of government and non-government assistance available for disaster preparedness and recovery and how to best implement these resources for their organizations and clients. For the full course descriptions, click here. To register, click here.

Partial travel reimbursement and/or lodging accommodations are available to attendees travelling from outside the Triangle area up to $300 per attendee.  Mileage reimbursement available for participants traveling within a 50 mile radius.

If you have any questions about the training or are interested in receiving travel reimbursement/accommodations, contact Stacie Darden at

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