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Housing Call Notes 1-14-19


Thank you for joining us for this week’s Housing Call. Our next Housing Call will be on Tuesday, January 21 at 9:30am. See below for this week’s call notes and let us know if you have a community update you’d like us to share on the next call.

Around the State

Orange County Living Wage coalition200 locally-owned businesses may voluntarily raise their min wage to $14.90

McDougald Terrace


Mocksville ribbon-cutting with Rep. Ted Budd 

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing 

“Public Charges” 

Presidential Candidate Housing Platforms  


HUD – The 2019 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR), Part 1

Urban Institute – Debt in America

Georgetown University – Does Growing Up in Tax-Subsidized Housing Lead to Higher Earnings and Educational Attainment?

Beaufort 360 – Contact to get involved: Evan Lewis, 

NC Womens Affordable Housing Network – Happy Hour on Thursday 1/30 in Raleigh @ Vita Vite, 5 to 7 PM

Recommended read

Policy Update 1-11-20

Many thanks to our sponsors