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Housing Call: March 15, 2022

Federal updates

For housing, HUD received an increase of $4 billion. It’s the largest increase in years, but less than what was originally proposed for FY22. Highlights include:

  • $200M for 25,000 new Housing Choice Vouchers
  • $4.84B for CDBG (+$1.37 billion over FY21)
  • $1.5B for HOME Investment Partnerships program (+$150 million over FY21)

This NLIHC chart has a more detailed breakdown of the budget’s housing allocations.

The fix that was expected for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds and LIHTC was not included in the budget bill. However, separate legislation is expected to be introduced by Representative Alma Adams that removes statutory barriers preventing states, counties, and cities from using SLFRF dollars to support LIHTC developments that are under construction. Next steps are under assessment and the Coalition will continue to share updates when there is need for further advocacy on this.

Looking for Republican co-sponsors in the House and a original sponsor in the Senate.

State updates


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Housing Call: March 8, 2022

Many thanks to our sponsors