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Housing Call: January 17, 2023

Policy Agenda 2023

Today we’re going to walk through an overview of our 2023 Policy Priorities with you. Our Policy Agenda this year consists of four agenda areas that were taken from our 2021 policy agenda, and prioritized by our policy committee. Our agenda also includes various prioritized strategies that our policy committee members and folks from across our network like you who participated in our various surveys throughout the process starting in late October 2022 and ending in December 2022. Our board of directors approved this agenda on December 9, and we have been continuing to develop ways we plan on rolling out and moving this work forward with you. Our policy agenda and key strategies for 2023 align with four key themes: Funding, Supply, Access, and Capacity. Our four prioritized policy areas for 2023 are as follows:


Priority Area 1

Advocate for reliable, dedicated, and coordinated public resources that meet the scale of the housing need.

Priority Area 2

Support housing policies and resources that keep families in their homes and allow communities to thrive.

Priority Area 3

Promote equitable access to housing and opportunity that reckons with our long history of racist housing policies and practices.

Priority Area 4

Ensure that local policies facilitate an adequate supply of quality housing accessible across a community’s income spectrum.

We know that various strategies fall into several of these priority areas, some of the main things we will be pursuing this year are as follows, for those of you familiar with our work you’ll hear some strategies that are in line with what we traditionally advocate for, and you’ll hear a few new strategies that we are excited to work on as well. In order to move these priority areas forward, NCHC plans to continue advocating for, mobilizing around, and engaging in education around several of the following strategies throughout the upcoming year. Here are a few of the prioritized strategies:

  • Advocate for increased and consistent support for the Housing Trust Fund and the Workforce Housing Loan Program (WHLP).
  • Support programs and policies that protect tenants and improve access to housing
  • Advocate for improved capacity.
  • Provide resources and education around policies that impact affordable housing access and development.

As we continue to roll out the details of other prioritized strategies, we will continue to share ways that you can engage with this work so that we can strengthen our housing movement with strong collaboration and collective action.


Federal Updates

  • North Carolina Republican congressman Patrick McHenry will serve as chair of the House Financial Services Committee. This committee oversees the Treasury, Federal Reserve, HUD, and government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) like Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac.
  • HUD 2023 Income Limits will be Delayed by 6 Weeks. Calculation of the 2023 income limits typically include information collected in 2020 for the American Community Survey (ACS), but due to data collection challenges during the pandemic, the Census Bureau did not release a one-year ACS for 2020. As a result, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has stated it will use 2021 ACS data for 2023 income limits, a decision that will push the release of 2023 income limits back by six weeks from its customary April date to May 15. For more information, check out Novogradac’s blog post.


State & Local Updates

  • On Opening Day of the 2023-24 Legislative Session

Tim Moore elected to a record 5th term as speaker of the House, Senator Phil Berger elected to his seventh term as President Pro Tempore.


Reports & Resources

In the News

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Housing Call: January 10, 2023

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